Our Investment Process
Templar EIS offer independent investment advice to individuals and businesses specifically tailored to their individual circumstances.
We will help you to review your existing financial situation and reach a representative assessment of your likely needs. For this, you will need to put aside some time to talk to us - the first half hour consultation is free. There's no charge, and no obligation, whilst we assess whether it is worth going ahead.
Depending on your instructions we will then perform a 'needs analysis' built on your current situation, and taking a view of any plans or goals you may have. We will proceed to advise you on anything from a short-term financial strategy to a lifetime financial plan, followed up with regular reviews.
All our recommended Investment portfolios are fully diversified.
Step 1
Establish whether you want income, growth or both.
Understand what any growth in your assets or income needs to achieve for you.
Step 2
We determine the amount of risk that is right for you personally.
Step 3
Suitable investments are suggested in writing and we check you know what you are doing before proceeding.
Independence = Real Choice
Having established the right risk of investment for you, when providing a personally risk rated and diversified fund choice, we also make available three tried and tested pathways to give you real choice – Ask us what these are!
The Right Portfolio for You
Part of this process involves establishing the right asset allocation for you (accessing different assets alongside accessing different fund managers). This is the science of matching a given level of risk to a suitably constructed portfolio of equity, bond, property and cash assets, based on many decades of data used to measure the long-term performance and volatility of such assets.
What we do NOT do
Keep the same investment managers forever. Successful investment is vital to support your future financial well-being. We are all aware that future performance can be unpredictable and the dilemma is, no matter how successful an investment manager is today you can never be sure they are the right choice for tomorrow. Our independence and ongoing service helps ensure you keep with the successful fund managers as time goes by, by changing them if necessary.
Place your money in the hands of our own team of investment managers. We build and maintain a well-diversified investment portfolio for our clients by NOT placing your money in the hands of our own team of investment managers, and instead advising on placing it with independent regulated investment managers from recognised wealth management firms anywhere in the world, albeit predominately in the United Kingdom. We are completely independent and so free to help you make the right choices at the start and on an ongoing basis. Our advisers support you - others support our advisers.
The value of your investments can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.