Pensions and Retirement Planning
You may be planning for your retirement or you may have retired already and need our investment advice to help you structure your portfolios for growth for the short, medium or longer term.
Once you reach the stage where you're considering taking an income, expert investment advice becomes even more important, to find the right balance for you between income and growth.
Pensions can also be used as a very effective form of tax planning; reducing your immediate income tax liabilities, achieving tax free growth, providing a tax-free lump sum in the future and potential to pass on their value to the next generation (and beyond) without any inheritance tax being payable.
We do not provide specialised pensions advice; we provide specialised investment and portfolio advice in and around any assets within your pension account. If pensions advice as such is required, we refer you to a UK specialist in pensions, as opposed to investment.
We can guide you through the different investment decisions necessary in your key life stages, namely:
- Young Accumulator
- Consolidator
- Planning for Retirement
- Withdrawing income from investments when in retirement
Decisions made today can have an impact on your retirement income and lifestyle, so it's important to get the right investment advice.
Please contact us to discuss your planning for retirement needs in more detail, or find out more about investing, with the longer term in mind.
The value of your investment or pension can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the original amount invested.